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EP-ix Foamed Additive

EP-ix Foamed Asphalt is a synthetic mineral as well as an inorganic chemical in powder form containing 18-20% moisture which is chemically and structurally bound. The material is at equilibrium at this moisture content. Therefore, it takes significant energy, temperatures above 100°C, to release this water. The release of moisture out of the sub-micron pore causes micro bubbles which enhance the workability of the asphalt mix

Advanced foaming technology to allow the asphalt to be hauled longer distances, more penetration, better workability and more benefits.


  • Production and compaction at true warm mix temperatures ~ 250o F

  • Does not change the PG grade of the Asphalt

  • Flexibility of dosing – doesn’t require exact science to succeed

  • Portable and stationary units for Batch and Drum plants

  • Can be tested in the laboratory

  • Made in North America

Data Sheet 
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